Feeling very mild movements in belly at 17 weeks
Hi Mummies, I am currently 17 weeks 2 days pregnant and from 2 days I am experiencing very mild blob kind of feelings in my left side of lower abdomen and sometimes in the middle of the lower abdomen. It doesn’t feel like fluttering but minor jerk from inside or blob kind of feeling (I am sure I am not explaining it well but I am still not sure what this feeling is) Can this be the baby movements? I am so not sure! #advicepls #1stpreganancy
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I'm currently at 18 weeks so i'm at my 2nd trimester. They say normally you will have a huge appetite by 2nd trimester but lately I haven't been able to eat well. Is it normal? I will normally just drink and snack abit. Can't seem to have the appetite to eat anything. I can't even consume meat, fish and chicken as it just makes me wanna vomit. Any suggestion mummies? I am just worried if my baby won't get enough nutritions :( #advicepls #firstbaby #firstmom #1stpreganancy
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