Hi all! I’m a FTM here and I’m planning to sleep with my LO once my confinement nanny leaves. However I’m afraid that when I pump at night my baby will “smell” my milk and wake up. Does this happens? Because I once tried to pump next to her in the afternoon while she was asleep and she woke up screaming for milk. #advicepls #1stimemom #pleasehelp #firstbaby #breastfeed #pumping TIA! appreciate it mommies
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Hi mummies! I hear a lot from friends & families that the 2nd-3rd month is the hardest to take care of a baby as they tend to sleep lesser and require more soothing. Is that true? Any advice or stories to share on how your LO cope in the 2nd-3rd month? Will mean a lot to me! TIA #advicepls #1stimemom #careforbaby
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