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Papa of 1 sunny cub
My daughter going to one in few days time. Lately I notice whenever I'm back from work, she starts to become cranky. Unfortunately, it won't stop there. Everything I do doesn't seem right to her. I manage to cool her down but it won't be long to that I need to find new tricks. My wife told me everything is so fine when I'm not around. My mother told me she manja with me. Anyone can share his or her experience?
Is it normal for 8 mths to have diarrhoea when teething. Appreciate your feedback. Tq
Baby less drink milk
Anak saya sudah 4 bulan dan diberi FM. Tetapi sejak kebelakangan ini sudah mula kurang minum susu. Ada kala minum, ada kala minum sikit saja. Macam mana ye, minta pandangan? My daughter is 4 months now and on FM. BUT Lately I notice she less taking milk. Sometimes, even rejecting it. Please advise
Pass Motion
My daughter is on FM and has not pass motion for 3 days. She is currently on Friso comfort. Any brand to recommend. Quite worry..
Formula Milk and Baby Poop
Any recommendations of FM for new born baby who does not poop for 4 days based on ur experience Ada cadangan susu formula bagi bayi yang tidak buang air besar selama 4 hari berdasarkan pengalaman?
Formula Milk
Have anyone here tried SS26 GOLD by Wyeth? Sesiapa yg pernah Cuba SS26 GOLD oleh Wyeth? Please share ur feedback here about the milk Mohon berkongsi pendapat anda mengenai susu tersebut
My daughter one mth plus having phlegm. What is the consequence if not treated and how to treat it? Tq Anak perempuan saya berumur sebulan lebih mempunyai kahak. Apa kesan jika tidak dirawat dan bgm utk merawatnya. Tq