Baby is 2mo tmr and has not been feeding well since yesterday. Her usual intake per feed typically ranges from 80ml to 100ml and 7 to 8 times per day. Daily intake about 600+ml. We have been bottle feeding her with pigeon bottle stage 2 nipple. She started to fuss and cry so we changed to stage 3. The first feed with stage 3 nipple went pretty well and she drank 70ml. However subsequent feeds the crying and rejecting bottle returned. We since tried Philip, Dr Brown's and Hegen and the same crying is still occuring. We have been preparing 60ml expressed bm to bottle feed her but she will not be able to drink contentedly and there will be alot of milk spilling out from her mouth during feeding. Tried to let her latch and she wants to but only suck 3 times and rest each time. To give context my milk supply is not high - am expressing average 70ml per pump #advicepls #pleasehelp
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