Abrasion wound at 5 months old neck due to constant movement, perspiration or scratching?
I just noticed a 'tear' at my baby's neck. When I try to clean with tissue, abit of blood came off. It's hard to clean the neck as my baby is rather chubby and super fidgety. My baby also perspire alot. The nails are trimmed regularly so I assume it's because of heat and rubbing which cause the abrasion wound. Should I apply some cream over it? Or how could I help my baby to heal faster? #advicepls #pleasehelp
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Rashes - Dirt / Allergy / Insect bites or ?
My girl has stomach flu last week and doctor told us to let her be on soy milk for a week or till symptoms are gone. However, she starts to develop rashes this week (mainly on her hands). Is this due to dust, allergy to soy milk or other reasons? Any mummies have encounter these similar rashes before? #firstbaby #1stimemom
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