Baby is currently 9mo and we’ve been doing mix blw and puree since he’s 6mo. At this stage, he still doesn’t eat much solid, most of the time he will just play with it and have a few mouth about 3 and that’s it. He will get cranky after, seems bored… I’ve seen babies his age gobbling food at this point. He doesn’t like porridge, he only like sweet stuff like berries etc. I spoon feed him puree (oatmeal, porridge, pumpkin, sweet potato etc mix with other ingredients) at least once a day but only interested in about 3 spoon. Now I’m offering him 3 meals a day His milk intake is about 700-800ml per day. Didn’t increase or decrease. His weight grow has been slow since 7 months old (up about 200g in 2 months) I’m getting worried about his food intake as we are near the 1 year mark and by then he should be eating more solid and decrease the milk intake?? Should I just stop blw and spoon feed him so he will eat more? 😢 Experienced mummy please help advice 🙏🏻😫 #FTM #firstmom
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