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Mom of a lil fairy n a lil prince...
carrom seeds
Can i hav carrom seeds soaked in water overnight for weight loss?? son is 2 mnths old...
cow milk
Guys, can i give cow milk to my 2 mnths old son??
Does d flavor of my meal affect d flavor of my breastmilk???
baby burping...
Does a baby burping means hes full?? I hav been exclusively bfeeding my son n confused evrytym if hes full or not..
Does a baby burping means hes full??
Big baby
Jus had my 37 weeks scan....was told d baby weighs around 3.3 kgs....does dat mean any complications??
baby movemnts
Guys, M in my 35th week.....wat kind of chnge in movemnts is normal?? I feel more of rolls n rumbles instead of it normal??
air travel wid a 5-6 mnths old
Is it safe 2 travel by air wid a 5-6 mnths old baby??
Guys, my daughter is 5 years old...shes been making bathroom visits 4 peeing evry 10 mins since last week....shud i c a doc??
M at 30 weeks pregnant, can i take vicks toffee for cough??