Thomson (TMC) Goodie Bag — Breast pump
Hi there! FTM here and I’m making a list of things that I’ll need to buy in prep for the baby, noticed that hospital bags sometimes give items and I could save on buying them (e.g. heard Mount A gives baby wash basin too). I’m likely delivering at Thomson Medical Centre. Does anyone know if the free breast pump given in the TMC goodie bag after delivery is good enough? Or will we still need to buy another? Thank you so much for the advice! #firstbaby #advicepls
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Varnish fumes in first trimester?
Hello! I’m living with my parents-in-law’s and they’re doing reno in the room right next door: full hacking, rebuilding, painting and redo the parquet floor. I’m not worried about painting as I heard painting fumes are ok. However, I’m at Week 10 today and realised while WFH that the parquet is getting entirely varnished. The whole house smells like super strong varnish fumes and will probably be like this for a few days. Does anyone know if this is ok for the baby? I’m worried about birth defects etc from this, cause my parents are very traditional and were very against any reno during pregnancy esp during first trimester. Thank you so much! #advicepls
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