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Nauseous feeling
Hi. I'm feeling nauseous (not to the point of vomiting) and very bloated but I'm hungry at the same. Is this normal and any way to manage this. Also, I feel cramp at my c sect scar when I sneeze. Is that normal? Currently at 6 weeks #2ndtimemum
Can baby teeth grow and not come in pairs?
#adviceplease #firsttimemom #newmom
10 months infant persistent fever
My LO has been having fever for the past 2-3 weeks. The highest was 38.3 usually about 37.9. Is it something alarming? My MIL says it’s teething
Is it ok to stop feeding breast milk at the age of 10 months old
#newmom #1sttimemom #firsttimemom #milk
Planned csection
Hi can husbands accompany wife for planned csection at sgh? Thank u
Hair anyone hair dye at 3months?
Hai mummys! Just wanna know if its possible to dye our hair during pregnancy?
Is it normal if your baby still does not have teeth at 10 month old?
#advicemommies #advicepls #firsttimemom
Edd April 2023 WhatsApp group
Hi, any mommies know of the link to join the April 2023 EDD WhatsApp group?
Is it normal?
Hey my LO has been pooping 4-5 times or more a day. But consistency is normal not diarrhoea or loose. She’s taking weight as usual. But wondering if it’s normal for her to poop 4-5 times? Am I giving her too much intake? I’m giving 3 meals a day with 4times milk intake of 150ml. Is it okay? Is it too much? First time mum here. Please help me out
Fibroid during pregnancy
Hi mummies. Anyone experience got fibroid during pregnant?? Hows the delivery process like? Do u frequently feel pain or cramp? Isit considered as high risk / risk pregnancy? Im at 10 weeks day 1 went for scan and theres fibroid 😒 quite worry as this is my first time experience it. My previous 3 pregnancy was all normal..