Peta Laman Web theAsianparent - Artikel mengikut Oktober 2018
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- 2018-10-22bun, saya lagi hamil 6w, klo keluar flek dikit gt kira2 gpp kah bun? ga berasa pas keluarnya..
- 2018-10-23My husband got chicken pox. Can my 3 months old baby get infected? What should I do? Help me please ?
- 2018-10-24Hmmm loveeeee my baby soooo muchoooo! ?
- 2018-10-24Alhamdulillah sdh 8w ?namun perut bagian atas sering mengalami engap dan perih, hampir tiap hari msh mual kembung dan muntah. wajarkah?
- 2018-10-24hello, have anybody experiece baby have encogenic foci which is a small soft marker(bright spot) at cardiac? can u share you bby deverlopment.
- 2018-10-27Anyone share with me please. Now im 20 weeks preggy for 2nd baby. First baby , czer.
- 2018-10-27Ok - strange. Sorta weird is I'm having very thick, slightly yellow, gobbly, but very stretchy CM. What does that mean? It's not clear like they say EWCM (egg white cervical mucus) should be...nor is is thin. Some of it is in gobs that stretch but return back to their form... Gross TMI (too much information) - I know - but was hoping somone knew what it was/or had had the same thing before around ovulation or right after?? No other symptoms or problems. Just that i'm feeling damn energetic today and never get tired.
- 2018-10-27Hi everyone. I want to ask if we bf our babies but at the same time we consume green tea? It's green tea good for bf mommy? Then how can i back to slim and diet cause i think every time after pumping milk i always hungry like crazy ?