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I'm actually very concern about working mums balancing work and role of mum, esp FTM. The recent sucide case of a FTM with her infant baby. It must be so stressful to uphold a job and a new role. Both equally important, one brings money, one is flesh and blood. Its really not easy. I feel them.
To prevent any difficulties face at work, I rather much quit the job. I did once and it was for my well-being. Selfish as it seems but just know that it is either you being difficult to your co-workers or they being difficult to you. So pick your option wisely.
There is a lot of pressure for Mums to do all or most of the childcare, which is difficult to do while working
Relatively yes as women have more responsibilities to bear at home as well and with kids
Heavier responsibility to be a good mum and employee to earn the income
I think its keep the job because there is a lot of commitment and task
No difference than men. It’s just how we plan our time around.
Coz the kids prefer mummy over daddy most time...eg. when sick.
There is still a vast gender inequality in the workplace
Help from extended family would go a long way