With a score of 190 for psle .. which will u opt for? Express stream for a not so ideal sch or Normal Academic for a better school?

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I would opt for express stream as I would not want to waste one year and get my child lots of tuition and possibly quit my job to personally tutor Hin or her for sec 1

VIP Member

Hi... I would choose normal academic in a better school. If your kids grades improve, the teachers will suggest for him/her to switch to express

Normal academic for a better school. A better school makes all the difference and it’s more suited to his/her learning needs.

VIP Member

Better to seek advice from e teachers. I know of kids who opted for NA and did way better than kids from Express(:

Super Mum

Better to ask your child about his/her opinion too. If I were to choose, I would choose express stream...

Express stream for a not ideal school. I’ve been through it before.

I would choose express stream as better chance of going to Uni...


Express stream