Why my newborn wants milk keep crying like starving. Is it normal?

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Hi. The only thing they can do is cry. I agree w the other mothers above and maybe u want to see if it is a growth spurt phase? There are quite a number of growth spurts in the first 2 months. More cuddles and hugs and carry. It might also be colic. Consider babywearing baby in a ringsling to keep baby close SO hat it can free ur hands and baby feel safe and secure on u

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newborns can't express themselves except to cry. try to soothe your newborn by giving him/her lots of cuddles, hugs, carrying... important to also swaddle the baby so they feel secure. after feeding remember to burp to release any trapped gas. many babies cry very loudly because gas makes them very uncomfortable

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Yes its normal. He could be hungry, needing a diaper change or even having colic. Normaywhat eases him to settle down? Observe the patterns closely.