Pregnancy test
Which day to test n which brand to test pregnant?

I am irregular so usually I’ll wait for 1.5 months after my last menstrual period. However for my case, the first day of my LMP was 11 Oct. I tested negative on 21 Nov with a Clearblue digital kit. Then I tested postive on 6 Dec with a Clearblue normal kit. Tested again with a digital one and my conception was 2-3 weeks prior. I’m now 15 weeks. 🤷🏻♀️ I am confused myself, but it’s okay. Baby is healthy and growing well. 2nd pregnancy here. ☺️
Read moreI have irregular menses (28-36 days) but since I did the BBT charting, I can know if I am ovulated or not on each cycle. So around day 27 (or 13 days past ovulation), I will start to test. Then I will retest again on day 30. Based on my experience, I can get a positive pregnancy test around those days. Clear Blue (both digital and non-digital, can detect faster than the guardian), but usually, I like to have stock on the guardian brand (2 pcs in 1 pack).
Read moreI used clear blue normal kit only becos it was on sale at guardian that and Watson have their own brand kit. But yeah don't have to waste on expensive ones unless ur period is abt 1.5mths late. Likely a digital one would be a good one to break the news to ur loved ones! Likely ur positive. All the best!
Read moreI have regular periods (28days), I used clearblue normal kit 1 day after the missed period. Don't forget to wait enough after the test, I almost threw the test away, thinking it was negative. I just didn't wait long enough as instructed 😅
best to test after 21 days of a missed period onward. no need for an expensive kit. you can get those kits at mustafa center for only $2+ and works perfectly fine. best timing to test for accurate result is your first pee after waking up.
first response brand, i dont like to use clear blue as theres evap and even if its positive the results doesnt last. U can get First response on lazada. best to test on the day when period is suppose to come for best accuracy
I took mine 14 days after late period cause I’ve tried being late for 10 days and negative. I took with the normal clearblue and results were instant, then I took clearblue digital to see the weeks.
I take daily temperature and monitor closely since I'm on regular period.. I took 1 day after my late period on the clear blue normal kit then take again using Watson brand the next day..
I tested after 4 days late period. Faint line tested with clear blue and 3days later i tested again with clear blue digital test kit
FTM here took mine 1 week after late period using the Clearblue digital