Which among these fruits does your child like to eat? (Post in Comments if not included)
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my 1st kid eats different types of fruits and currently her fav is golden kiwi. But my 2nd kid depend on her mood. one day she loves banana the next she hates them. just like papaya or apples or any other fruits. but she definately loves watermelon and it also depends on how i cut it up.

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Apples, bananas, sapphire grapes, pears, kiwi, prunes, peaches, papaya, strawberries, blueberries, plums, oranges ... I think almost every fruit? He doesn't like durians though :(

nak ikutkan anak anak saya suka kesemua buah buahan pantang ada dalam peti ais..anak anak saya jenis tolak kayu dan batu je😁

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my baby likes all of the above and other fruits 😆not a picky eater he actually loves fruits👶👍😍

they eat different fruits and they love all fruits. I dont know. but that's the fact of my childs. 😆

Both kids like different fruits. One prefer sweet fruits and the other like sour fruits.. 😆

They won't try any fruits no matter what. I've tried so many methods and failed. :(

Some time she like banana and apple almost every fruit she liked

She always says "A-A-Apple" when she asks for it. Cute for me though.