When do you start babywearing your LO? Mine is around 2w plus now but experiencing growth spurt. She constantly wants to be carried and hugged

We tried it as soon baby came out of the hosp using Ergobaby Omni 360. My boy was a big baby at 3.8kg and 54cm so he easily met the min weight (3.2kg) and height (50cm). But we only used it more frequently at 2 months. Unfortunately my boy somehow refused to be inside aft 5 months but by then he also was able to start slping on his own without me having to carry him to slp like before. Hoping tt my 2nd born will want to use it for longer! I love it but it has been so under utilised for my 1st.
Read moreI bought mini monkey sling and used when bb was a month old, but she hated it.. tried using stroller then she had hiccups and tantrums whenever it got dark. e.g. go under void deck.. then tried bassinet and the expensive rocker.. she also hates it.. only thing she likes is grandma's boobsssss just keep trying everything.. its a phase, it will get better..
Read moreMy 2 month old LO does not like baby carrier n pram…. Have to hand carry all the time. He is 6kgs…. #tired-arms
4mo cause I bought Ergobaby ombi360 and she haven’t hit min height 🤣 (she short)