when we can put baby in walker

Baby must be able to hold his head up steadily and have his feet touch the floor to use a walker. Age range is between 5 to 16months in general. Also we have to consider the cons like walker is not good for the baby spine.
i do put my bb in walker when he turn like 6 month old. but it only a while. and u also need to adjust the height of the walker. make sure his foot can reach the floor. it not ur bb will try to move by tip toe .
Around 5 months.. When baby head is more stable.. Still must be around when in walker to guide and look after..
thank for info
My girl start sit on walker when she is 5 months old when she can sit and hold her head steady.
I put my baby in walker about 4mths but just awhile then start 5 mths he sit more longer time
OK thank
I will not try that since KKH advised not to use Walker. We put baby on exersaucer instead.
thank for advice
About 8months where they are more stable in sitting upright and balance
try to let baby crawl. i never put in a walker for my kiddos.
I was told around 6 months .... n I follow for my three kids
I'd put my.lo in walker when he's about 4 months
Mama bear of 2 sunny lassie