When I'm feeling sad, I...
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Drink alcohol
Watch my favorite show
Read a book

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duluuuuuuu .. kalau sedih or stress akn makan tapi skg tukar culture plk . haha klu x , xmnjd diet kitaaaaa 😁

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Depends if really sad i dont have appetite to eat. If not too sad i eattt

Vent it out to my spouse. If that fails, I just sleep it off.

Eat what your cravings for and will make iyour sadness away

Maximum time when I feel said. I spent time with my bby too

thanks parent town for your rewards. thanks a lot

VIP Member

eat and read book or do something that will keep me busy..

VIP Member

yes i do binge onsweet things when im sad or low

watch anything that will give me good laughs