When can I take my new baby out in public? I’m afraid he’ll catch a cold—but I need to run errands. What should I do?

There is really no specific guideline on when you can bring your newborn out. Most propose that once your baby is out of the hospital, it is fine to bring him/her out if you feel up to it. The only thing to note would be to avoid large, crowded, enclosed places with poor ventilation. For such places, it will be good to wait till your baby is six to eight weeks, when her immune system is better developed. These places increase her exposure to airborne germs that could be dangerous for her immature immune system. Bringing her out for walks in the parks will be great. Hence, it depends on where you had to go to run your errands. If it involves going to crowded places, it may be better if you could find someone to help look after your baby while you go out. If the places you have to go are open-air areas which is not crowded, you can bring your baby along. Ensure that he/she is in a good mood (after a feed or had her diapers changed) and also get ready the supplies needed for the “outing” (pack the diaper bag!). As much as possible, avoid contact with others. Keep a hand sanitizer on you and sanitizer yourself as and when needed. In all, a guide would be after six weeks if you need to go to places that will increase her exposure to virus and germs. Otherwise, going to parks and having a walk around the neighbourhood is good for baby at any age.
Read moreThere are no hard and fast medical rules about how long to wait before taking a newborn out into the world. Some say wait till baby is 4-6 weeks some say till he's older but really, it varies according to parents. If it's not too hot or cold, you should feel free to take your baby outside to enjoy a stroll and some fresh air. However in public places (like shopping malls, cinemas and planes), be careful to avoid exposing your newborn to infections that others can carry. A newborn's immune system is still developing and may not be able to fight off infections. In cases like this, doctors prefer for parents to wait until their baby is a few months old before going to crowded public places. If you go out with your baby, it's wise to take these precautions: 1) Make sure your baby's vaccines are up to date. 2) Avoid exposing your child to people who are sick and have symptoms like diarrhea or runny noses. 3) Ask anyone who holds, touches, or feeds your newborn to wash his or her hands first. 4) Make sure that your baby is appropriately dressed when you go outdoors. http://m.kidshealth.org/parent/question/infants/newborn_out.html
Read moreIt's a general rule of the thumb that your baby has to dress 1 more layer than you so as not to be over or under dressed. Babywear your baby so it makes running errands easier, plus you don't have to take the lift. I used to walk around shopping malls with my baby after doctor appointments since he sleeps so well whenever I babywear him and it's quite easy for me. Just make sure that the malls you go to are baby friendly and that their nursery are clean and hygenic.
Read moreHi Dear there is no specific days or months u need to wait if u really need to run some errands. Just make sure to pack extra baby clothes and Diapers.. Try to go and finish ur work by early afternoon to avoid crowd and Long Qs and also when i return home if its not late evening give a warm shower to get rid of all germs the baby might have gotton from outside..
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