Gender issue
What do you do when your relative says insensitive things about the gender of your kid. 😫

Maybe tell them its their problem and not your problem. And show them that you are sooo veryyy happy and cant wait to meet your lilll baby. Im sure theyll feel irritated and leave you alone hahahaha. Im sorry but i got that before frm a family member and i was sooooo angry like, husband and i was sooooo happpy and excited and thr you are sulking like a sore looser. I then started to post like how proud i am to have a baby girllll and that person started to also show remorse and then started to like show some love. Pfft.
Read moreSame i feel you. Hurts, esp when its your first pregnancy and it comes from your own family. But i just ignore i will just say im thankful that i get the chance to be pregnant and whatever gender it is, its still a blessing to me. Just close one eye on what they say cause people will ALWAYS have something to say, too free nothing to talk about
Read moreI will walk away from the conversation if it's possible and reasonable to. Or with a politely rude jab at them, "Why don't you have one (whatever gender that they were talking about) baby then?" Kinda pointless to just tell them off nicely about it's a blessing to have a healthy baby, irregardless of gender
Read moreI feel you. My in laws were looking forward to having a granddaughter and expressed their disappointment quite clearly when it is a boy. I just said to them repeatedly, most importantly is to have a healthy baby!
Just tell them, no matter what gender, as long as my baby is healthy.. and ignore~ a child is a gift from god, as long as they r healthy, u will always be a happy parent 🥰🥰
ignore that relative at that time... personally impt to keep the harmony
pls ignore and change the topic
smile n IGNORE