Dry ice reconmendation

What type of dry ice to buy to keep breast milk bottle cool outside?

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You can try this type of ice block/ice pack + get a cooler bag. Ice block/ice pack: https://s.shopee.sg/2AwLTrpI1j Alternatively you can get PACKIT. PACKIT has built in ice packs. Just throw the whole bag into freezer the night before. There’s various sizes. Can still use it to bring fruits or yogurt out for your kids when they no longer take breastmilk https://s.shopee.sg/10kO5pHhoo https://s.shopee.sg/2LFlgJcDia

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Use ice pack will be better. Just keep back into the freezer once you don’t need or melt. You don’t have to keep repurchasing dry ice too. It’s not cost savvy unless you really don’t mind spending.

Can get the v-coool insulated bag! And put ice bricks inside to keep it cool. https://s.shopee.sg/9f2MUxLpYz

I go for the v cool bag with ice packed. good for 8 to 12 hours.


i have not heard of anyone using dry ice... u csn consider PACKIT

Can get those ice gel pack from shopee instead