What are some early weaning foods I should avoid?

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You should avoid the following during initial days of weaning 1. Highly spiced food - wait till baby is atleast 8 months. Spices might cause a tummy upset 2. Salt as it causes kidneys to overwork 3. Cow's milk, instead use breast or formula milk. 4. Foods with gluten (check pack labels) 5. Eggs - raw or undercooked eggs like soft-boiled, poached or lightly scrambled must not be given until your baby is 12 months to avoid the risk of food poisoning. 6. Meat, fish or poultry - if you're just starting weaning at six months, it’s best to introduce these gradually over a few weeks while your baby gets used to solids. Meat and fish can be strongly flavoured and harder to digest. 7. Citrus and berry fruits - may cause allergies 8. Nuts, whole or ground - may cause allergies. Also nuts are not suitable till age 5 when not cut into small pieces as they are choking hazard. 9. Honey - not suitable for under 1 year 10. Cabbage, garlic, onions - wind inducing food 11. Soft and unpasteurised cheeses - Don’t give soft, unpasteurised or blue cheeses in the first year due to risk of listeria. Anything else that has caused allergies in immediate family members.

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