I am scared. 14 days missed period. My period is usually regular.

What can i do or eat to start period asap (if possible)? Starting to worry. I do not have any pains or feeling sick. Just very tired. Ive tested 2 times and i am not pregnant nor i hope to be pregnant as i have a toddler and a baby. Too bz haha. Should i go see doctor?

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nothing you can do, it’s based on your hormones. even if you want to medically induce i think have to see gynae for prescribed medication. yes you should see doctor. how many days have you missed it? you may have tested too early

2y ago

i missed 14 days. the latest before this was 12 days. that is when i was trying to conceive my no. 2 who is already 1year old plus.

So we’re you pregnant? I missed my period for 7 days now and took blood test at day 5 but negative. My period is always very regular too

2y ago

Hi there! Yeap so i turned out pregnant at i think ard 18 days missed period. I jz gave birth last sat haha. I had a late positive for my second pregnancy too. It was on the 16th day missed period that i got positive.

can see a tcm to regulate the menses