What is GERD?

GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is a digestive disorder where the stomach's contents return back up into the esophagus. After your baby swallows milk, it glides past the back of his throat and goes down a muscular tube, called the esophagus, to his stomach. A ring of muscles connects the esophagus and stomach. It opens to let the milk go into the stomach, and then it closes back up. If that ring, called the lower esophageal sphincter, doesn't tighten again, the milk can come back up. That's reflux. Infants are especially likely to get reflux because their stomachs are small -- about the size of their fists or a golf ball -- so they fill up easily. Also, a valve where their esophagus meets their stomach may not be mature enough yet to work like it should. That usually happens around age 4-5 months. After that, he may stop spitting up. Unlike happy spitters, babies with GERD may have: •Discomfort and pain caused by the reflux •Breathing problems, like gagging, choking, coughing, wheezing, and, worst-case scenario, pneumonia from inhaling their stomach contents into their lungs •Sometimes poor growth, because vomiting keeps them from getting enough nutrients If your baby has any of these symptoms, talk to your pediatrician, who can see if your baby has GERD.
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