Clogged duct vs engorgement
What is the difference between clogged ducts & engorgement and how do we tell them apart ? The way it feels, the way it looks. And how to relieve each of them. Do guide me as im FTM. #FTM

Clogged ducts often means you can’t clear the milk well, even after pumping or latching, there will be hard lumps. And if this turns to mastitis, you’ll want to get rid of your boobs. - Try to avoid too sweet/spicy foods that can thicken your milk, take sunflower lecithin to thin out your milk or have massages. Engorgement is you can feel your milk filling up and leaking, sometimes on fire too like there’s two hard rocks in it. - Don’t drag pumps especially if you’re over supplied. If you’re latching and it still doesn’t feel empty, light or soft enough, hand express or pump it out.
Read moreClogged duct meaning your boobs feel tight/firm as well as lumps and you cant simply pump the milk out. Engorgement is when your breast is full of milk and you don't pump it will start to leak, firm and pain that if you dont pump you feel like you need to punch someone in the face 😅🤣