What are fun games to play with a 9 month old?

Playing games with a 9-month-old can be a delightful and engaging way to foster their development. Here are some fun games and activities you can enjoy with a 9-month-old: 1. Peek-a-Boo: This classic game helps develop object permanence and social interaction. Cover your face with your hands or a blanket and then reveal yourself, saying "Peek-a-boo!" Watch their reactions and enjoy their laughter. 2. Pat-a-Cake: Sing the popular nursery rhyme "Pat-a-Cake" while clapping your hands together and gently patting their hands. This game promotes hand-eye coordination, rhythm, and social interaction. 3. Sensory Play: Provide your baby with various safe objects of different textures, shapes, and sizes. Let them explore and manipulate items like soft toys, rattles, crinkly paper, or textured balls. Sensory play encourages their senses and fine motor skills. 4. Tummy Time Fun: Lay your baby on their tummy and place colorful toys or objects of interest just out of reach. Encourage them to reach for the toys, helping to strengthen their neck, back, and arm muscles. 5. Musical Play: Play music or sing songs to your baby. You can use simple instruments like bells or shakers, or simply clap your hands or tap on objects to create rhythms. Dancing together or gently bouncing your baby to the beat can be enjoyable too. 6. Stack and Nest: Provide soft stacking toys or nesting cups that your baby can explore. Show them how to stack or nest the objects and let them try on their own. This game enhances hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and problem-solving abilities. 7. Mirror Play: Hold a baby-safe mirror in front of your little one and let them explore their reflection. Make funny faces, smile, or imitate their expressions. This activity helps with self-awareness and social interaction. 8. Ball Roll: Sit facing each other and gently roll a soft ball back and forth. Encourage your baby to grasp, explore, and interact with the ball. This game promotes hand-eye coordination and tracking skills. 9. Puppet Show: Use soft finger puppets or hand puppets to create a simple puppet show. Move the puppets around, make funny sounds, and engage your baby's attention. This activity encourages imagination and social interaction. 10. Imitation Play: Encourage your baby to imitate simple actions like clapping, waving, or blowing kisses. They may not be able to mimic perfectly at this age, but it helps develop their social and motor skills. Remember to prioritize safety by selecting age-appropriate toys and always supervising your baby during playtime. Enjoy these moments of bonding and exploration as you play and learn together!
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Read moreHere are two games that one of my friends recommended. http://www.babycentre.co.uk/a1011599/9-month-old-baby-games-first-week She played both with her baby girl who loved both games. Especially for the second game, her baby girl always giggled and often looked very amused when she found the ball. My friend also played the game at home and uses some towels and blankets instead of the sandbox to hide the toys. But she loved bringing her daughter out for outdoor play for some exposure to nature.
Read moreHi everyone. If you're seeking captivating games to play on your device, I highly recommend trying out Friday Night Funkin. This captivating music game provides an enjoyable experience where you can challenge diverse opponents and demonstrate your rhythmic prowess. For easy access to the game right from the comfort of your home, just click on the following link https://fnfmod.online/ .Embark on an exciting journey exploring the vibrant world of FNF, and may you have an incredible time!
Read moreI learned that babies at this age have an appreciation for cause and effect. Meaning if you move the light switch, it turns on. When you move it back, it turns off. They then have this initial feeling on being able to control things. A jack in a box toy can give the baby a thrilling experience of surprise when he opens the box. Read more about this and other games here: http://www.babycenter.com/0_20-fun-silly-development-boosting-games-to-play-with-your-ba_1479310.bc
Read moreYour baby is probably an expert roller and likely crawling. If your baby is really motivated, he may be walking already! Your baby is able to comprehend much more by this age and thus makes a very animated playmate. You can try : 1. singing , dancing and reading 2. Crawl and chase 3. Some memory based quizzing Also do check out the link http://www.gameswithbaby.com/9-12-months-baby-games.php
Read moreGood day! It seems to me that there are few such games. My kids have grown up and now prefer to play music battles in the game Friday Night Funkin. I want to share with you a new cool mod https://fnfmod.online/pibby-apocalypse/ where you can fight the pibby virus. This is an incredibly incendiary mod with cool musical hits that will not leave anyone indifferent.
Read moreWhen my daughter was about this age, she loved banging pots and pans and making a lot of noise. So, around this age, we started making home-made instruments, eg. uncooked rice in an empty bottle for her to shake, she really loved this! Check out this for more instrument ideas http://www.kinderart.com/teachers/9instruments.shtml
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Read moreTry this home made game called filter fun. What you do is hold pieces of coloured translucent cellophane paper for your baby to look thru. Say the name of the colour as she looks thru them. It will stimulate her imagination and let her discriminate differences in what she sees.