How many packs of wet wipes did you consume through a week when your child was still wearing diapers?
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1 pack
2-3 packs
4-5 packs
6 to 8 packs
more than 8 packs
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It’s mainly because I always bought the one with the biggest quantity, so I will use lesser packs
VIP Member
Usually lasts more than 2 weeks...i still prefer to use water and cotton...feels cleaner
Less than a pack. Only for outdoor use. I washed my babies bums with water and soap.
Less than 1 pack. We only use wet wipes when we're out
VIP Member
1 pack or less #TAPsupermoms #TAPactiveusers
Read more2-3. If at home, we will wash her instead
i go through them like crazy...
1 pack usually lasts a week
VIP Member
Depends on child stage too
1 pack is usually enough