Baby Boy is out!

Welcome to the outside world CALEB TIMOTHEE TUARES🥰 Edd: Nov. 1 Date of delivery: October 16 (9:14 am) 37 weeks and 5days via Normal and thanks god walang bakas ng tahi kaya hindi masyado nasaket😅 2680 kgrams/ 50 cm - 7hrs of labor #firstbaby #1stimemom

Baby Boy is out!
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VIP Member

congrats po🎊🎊

VIP Member

Congrats and welcome po kay baby! 🥰😍

congrats mamsh😍💙

Super Mum

Congratulations mommy 💙

VIP Member


Congratulations! 🥰

VIP Member

congrats po

VIP Member

congratulations 😊

Wow, congrats po mommy

wow😍 so cute😃