Down symdrome test yes or no?
Week 12 nw, age 35. In kkh private. Should i go for the down symdrome test? Anyone know how much is the cost for Oscar in kkh private? Is it accurate? Dont intend to go for harmony as its too costly.

When I do the test, i will be at week 11. Btw, im 37 yo. I feel that at my age, if do Oscar, result would be immediate to high risk, I likely would end up doing Nipt since Oscar result got false positive result. If doing both test, total will be 1.2k (nuh, private). Nipt 850, oscar 350. My opinion, u shd just go directly do Nipt. Ppl say those with 35 years and above shd just go for Nipt.
Read moreDepends on if knowing the results affects any of the pregnancy decision loh… if want 99% accuracy then go for harmony then u dun need to worry abt false positive… otherwise u can take oscar first since its cheaper and decide if u wan to go for harmony if the results are not good.
I’ve heard of parents who did not go. Because they intend to keep the baby regardless. Oscar results is not as accurate as the rest of the NIPT tests, if the result shows high risk u may end up needing to do NIPT too.
My POV, I went for Oscar as it’s still within my budget and since it’s first baby so we just went for it. But if you’re gonna keep the baby no matter what, then I don’t think it’s necessary to even go for Oscar.
I paid $450 for first trimester scan ( which includes a blood test and scan for Down syndrome) at KKH two weeks ago
I personally feel that irregardless of age, whatever test is recommended by gynae should go for it