NIPT KKH results

Waiting for my NIPT results done last week and I’m so anxious :( anyone knows how long KKH takes to call you if it’s bad results? Thanks!

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If there's any issue they won't take more than a week to get back to you as they probably will need you to undergo another different test to confirm the abnormalities

6mo ago

Yup! They will call you back earlier if there were any abnormalities. Trust the process and stay healthy in the meantime! Over-thinking won't do any good to you or little one in the tummy ~

I just did mine few weeks ago and had to wait 2 weeks for the results. I went to the doc to pick it up.

6mo ago

Yup with KKH. I did the FTS together with NIPT so I got both results together. I waited 2 weeks for the results