Lost trust in public hospitals. Any recs for private hosp pro natural?

Hi for various reasons I have completely lost trust in both KKH and NUH. NUH is absurd that you can never reach the clinic jade no matter if you call everyday. They don't even bother to reply emails or get back to your enquiries. Even if something is urgent, complete ignorance. I've never felt more stress in my life and patience tested to this extent. KKH, twice my nipt results have come back with no results with no proper explanation given as to why the no results. I'm looking for a private gynae in private hospital that is pro natural. My only concern of private hospital is that they will push you for c sec cos they can earn more by that. Of course I'm ok with c sec if it's REALLY necessary but not if it can be managed. I know this is like looking for a needle in haystack. #pleasehelp #advicepls #FTM #firsttimemom

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Heya, NIPT has high chance of no results, its heng suay thing, so it's not exactly kkh's fault. Going to private will yield the same results if u r still unlucky. For me, when selecting to do nipt or fts, the nurse explained that nipt/harmony is to look for baby's dna in your blood. if there is not enough dna, it will be inconclusive, so I chose to do fts instead. but the gd thing abt kkh is, they say if no results a couple of times, they will refund u the money, but not sure abt private will return money anot.

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You can consider SGH dr devendra. He’s very attentive, not pushy. Lay out what you want and he’ll will manage accordingly, of course if he thinks it’s necessary then yes he will explain the purpose behind it. I personally don’t feel private hospitals are that good. Every hospital will definitely has its bad eggs. Just gotta go through the gynae dr credentials + reviews.

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2y ago

My doctor too! He’s great

I felt that kkh was pro natural. I was in labor for about 20 hours and begged the doctors and nurses to just c-section me, but they encouraged and supported me so much that I hung in there and eventually gave birth naturally after more than 20 hours of slowly opening. I was a subsidise patient and they treated me no less. And im not young to begin with.

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Switch from KKH private to Dr CK Khoo (clinic at Mt E Novena). Price wise quite okay for private practice. He also does delivery at TMC & Mt A if u are looking at more affordable options. Looked for him after KKH NIPT came back no result. His NIPT result comes out faster than 2 wks & he will personally Whatsapp u the report once it is ready.

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2y ago

Able to share his charges?

So far I never heard of gynae pushing for csect. It really depends on the gynae himself. If u want a more personalised service, go for gynae with a practice of his own. I had no problem with communication and he has been v patient. I've been with my gynae since my firstborn. He delivers at Parkway East and has his own clinic. Dr Aziz.

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If u r a private patient in govt hosp usually the service is different from subsidize clinic as the clinic KPIs r different. However some good drs at private r like Dr Adelina Wong frm TMC, Dr Claudia Chi is also very gentle and reassuring. And Prof Su frm NUH. Seen all 3 gyne n I tink they r 👍🏻

Dr Loh Foo Hoe at Mount E Orchard. Very experienced doctor, and his advices given is based on your individual health during the checkup. Very professional and amazing staffs in the clinic too. I was at risk for pre-eclampsia and was very well taken care of during the whole journey.

Dr Paul Tseng and Benjamin Tham but their fee could be super expensive. I am currently with Dr Adrian Woodworth he also never push me for c sect or induce, he say can just wait. But if u are looking for TLC doctor, dr Adrian isnt for you, his style is chop chop

2y ago

Dr Paul Tseng

hello. i dont think gyane will push u for csect. in fact i heard many gyane actually encouraged natural. dont think private is only money minded. i had bad experience with sgh for my 1st born. now im seeing gynae from mount alvernia.

I heard you will get different gynae at every visit for public hospital. Not sure about the waiting time. But I’m sure I wanted the same gynae yo see me through this entire journey so he understands all my concerns. I’m at TMC.