TTC for Baby Girl
Trying for a baby girl. Any information to take note of?e.g when should I start trying?

I don’t think there’s a timing for a guaranteed gender tho.. It partly depends on the genes as well. For my family it was definitely more girls than guys. My parents has 4 girls 2 boys, my sister has 4 girls 1 boy. My first baby, also a girl 😄 For fun, you can try using your hair and your wedding band, dip 3 times beside your palm and hold it above your palms. Don’t move your hands. If it turns circle, it’s a girl. If it sways left and right, it’s a boy. Very accurate from my great grand Ma all the way till myself. Tried it on my husband before we got married and we had the same results 😂
Read moreYou can try the shettles method or you yourself and your hubby to eat certain food to increase chances of getting a girl
ok will try 😁 thank you