How much time do you spend in bed on a weekday?
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less than 6 hours
6 to 8 hours
more than 8 hours
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Old age the body tends to wind down slower and later...and I have to get up early for prayers and send my son to school.
I try to make it 8 hours at least. But seem impossible. Having a 6 hours will be so good!
At least 6 to 7 hrs. Want to spend more time. That's my favourite place on earth lol
On average it’s 7 hours, but on weekends it’s slightly more like 9 hours 🌚
Ugh, I can hardly get 6 hours in. Clearly a sleep deprived mom here!
If I get more than 6 hours, it’s a blessing
Definitely wish could spend more time in bed
Envy those who has more than 8 hours
Sleep is so important for beauty!
8-9hours... want to rest more