
Hi there.. have anyone went through Amniocentesis testing? Care to share your experience?

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Me! Just recently went for the short 10mins procedure at KKH in April. The doc will locate your placenta and insert the needle to collect the fluid. The poke was ok, just minimal discomfort and the removing of needle was immediate. Best to go home straight and bed rest for 2 days at least. Few hrs after procedure then can feel the injection "pain" but it is manageable! Try to avoid carrying heavy things or doing chores. If KKH didn't call means all is good! Results out abt 1wk plus to 2wks. But somehow you can check at Healthhub app before the doc's appt. All the best!

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I did mine with Dr Tony Tan at Mount Alvernia. He was referred to my previous gynae as we had detected some abnormality during week 20 scan. Dr Tan is a very reassuring doctor ( much better than my previous gynae) and he did the procedure in less than 10 mins. He mentioned it would be like blood taking but tbh I felt it was slightly more painful. Nonetheless the whole process was very fast and we got back our results in slightly more than a week! It is advised you should avoid carrying heavy objects for the next 2 days and monitor for any possible leakages. All the best!

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6mo ago

How long did the result take? You did the one they send to kkh one or oversea?

Just went through it a few days ago, its slightly prickly but overall tolerable