Repeat pregnancy test after a positive?
Tested positive on clear blue test, but just wanted to be sure so am considering of doing a repeat test. Anyone did a repeat test after positive for confirmation? If so, when did you do it? The next day or anytime again on the same day? Thanks... #advicepls

1st pregnancy (TTC for 4 months): LMP 7 Jan 2020, found out I was pregnant 14 Feb 2020. I tested in the afternoon at work then in the evening and the next morning at home. All with Clearblue normal. 2 days later tested with Clearblue digital and next day went to Polyclinic for confirmation and referral. EDD 19 Oct 2020. 2nd pregnancy (TTC after c-sect): LMP 11 Oct 2021, BFN on 21 Nov using Clearblue digital. So I tested again on 6 Dec in the morning with Clearblue normal, afternoon with Clearblue digital and went to Polyclinic to confirm test and get referral the next day. EDD 10 Aug 2022. I think you can just test as many times as you want at any time of the day. Haha I know it’s exciting yet nerve-wrecking in case it’s a false positive. But once you feel satisfied with self-testing, I suggest you go to your preferred clinic or Polyclinic to get a confirmation and ease your heart. Good luck! 💙
Read moreIf you’re using clear blue digital test kit thn you shouldnt be testing and wasting money again. Digital one cant go wrong. Can go straight to poly. They will do one more test for you ☺️ Tried the normal test kit before. I got a false pregnancy. There was no double line but the test kit tend to have faint line over time and i thought i was pregnant. -.-
Read moremaybe cn at least 2 times on the same day for confirmation and another like 3 weeks after missed period bcz it's more like "cnfirmed result" and is accurate.
I tested twice on clearblue coz i bought a pack of two. Partially couldnt believe i was preggy and also if i dont use it, also will go to waste 😅😅
Me! I took 3 times hehe (TTC for a year). I did once in the morning at work (11am), twice at night after work and when I reach home (11pm, 12:15am).
Me I took so many times. Makes sure that the line is darker day by day. I did this, due to the previous chemical MCs last time.
I tested 3 times. On consecutive days because the first pee of the day is the most accurate.