745 responses

Definitely School system is already so stressful and it begins even at kindergarten in SG! we send our kids for all sort of things and extra lessons When do they actually have time to actually be kids?????
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I do not think so. We always assume that they are fine. But actually, mental health is very important to ensure that they are growing up well. If not, it might bring about weird habits
There isn't enough support to identify and manage stress in kids. Also a lot more effort needs to be put in to identify mental/learning disorders, which is not the current scenario.
There should be more awareness with regards this. Nowadays, even young kids get stress/depressed. This is worrisome
We should be constantly talking to our kids to find out how they are coping. It's a stressful world we live in.
Yes, I believe more awareness and education is needed for the mental health of the child
A lot more can be done to support children, especially since it can be quite stressful
There are quite a few programs regarding mental health that are rolled out in schools
We need more support for parents who mange kids with mental health issues.