3610 responses

By just taking a step back from the stresses and breatheeee, then go get something or someone that put a smile on my face 😌
I clean the house for fun. I always pray for my child to be healthy and I can get him out normally in my Tummy ❤️
If im in stress , i will usually just ask my husband to hug me😁 and i feel relieved after that.
Spending time with God by reading His Word.. Prayer and reaching out to others by sharing God's Word. :)
And listen to the music while looking to my first child 😊
Should get more proper sleep,but with a new born, kinda hard lah.
Listening to music and having an open heart talk with my family
I would talk to my husband about how I’m feeling
simply by hugging and kissing my husband
it makes me forget what makes me stress
Follower of Jesus