My stand alone freezer needs more spaces. It has reached the maximum capacity of storage for my breast milk. These two days, I have been clearing my earliest supply from Feb 2016. I have mixed in the portion of 70% old chilled bm and 30% new chilled bm (Both at same temp before mixing). After every feeding, my lo seems very happy with the milk. Showing sign of smiling and very satisfied look. As such, he is making eh eh sound after each feeding to show that he wants more. I'm really puzzled. Why is this so? Or it is coincidentally he needs to wean soon? I did many milk bathe before, probably >10 times. I notice my old stash of frozen bm are more oily then new stash. Why is this so? My lo is 5 month and 3 days today. He is a boy and I'm an exclusive pumping mum.

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The greasy or soapy substance, it could be lipase. Lipase is responsible for breaking down the fat in the milk. If there is an excess of this enzyme then the fat gets broken down to quickly after being expressed thus resulting in the change. The milk is not harmful, and most babies are not bothered by the mild change. But the longer the milk sits the more obvious the taste and smell becomes which then will result in the baby most likely having an aversion to it.

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