My son is 2 yr 10 months old & he is not properly talking. He speaks only single words. Can you suggest me what should I do?

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Hi Sapna, Your son is still in his speech development phase and has not passed it that you should be worried that he is not talking in sentences. I have a friend who has twins and are almost the same age as your baby, and they too speak single words, like, didi, or name of my daughter or other children they interact with, or mumma, papa, no, car, etc. I do not think there is any reason as of now to get hassled thinking that he is not talking in a sentence. He is learning and trying to pick up so many things at the same time, example, talking, teething, observing all things around, understanding what everyone must be telling him. So, he is trying to pick up so many things at single time, and he might be taking time in some areas, and let him do that. All you should do is, encourage him to talk more and interact with him more. More you will talk to him, more he will pick up things. Talk to him in small sentences which will be easy for him to speak than framing long sentences. He is too young to expect him to be perfect right away. Some children do start talking by now but there are others who don't. And it is perfectly fine.

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