Struggling with being a new parent

Sometimes I wonder whether I'm doing a good job, before my little one my life was so different and now I feel as though I'm a different person. I love my baby very much, but I wonder whether I'll ever get use to this. Does anyone feel this way?

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Pretty sure most FTP feel this way, especially FTM šŸ«¶šŸ». I am not a child person. I never knew I could love a child this much after being a parent. We are still learning as they grow, we are bound to make mistakes along the way but thatā€™s totally fine and definitely not ā€˜not doing a good jobā€™. Even after so many months, I still feel surreal that I made this human and my life have to start revolving around her now šŸ˜… And yes, being a mom definitely made me a different person. One of it being a hot tempered person, I do not have a bottom line anymore šŸ«£

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