1 Balas

wsalam. kalau nk bsalin di kg, balik kg awal2. airline limit 35w utk ibu pregnant fly, dgn syarat ada surat fit to fly dari dktr. klu plan bsalin KL then balik Langkawi, suggest by drive, not fly. mcm mana u nk beli tiket airline sblm bby lahir, plus after the bby born u kena uruskan register ank ke JPN dlu....is not easy, tu belum tmbh klu bby got complication then warded. usually nb 1mth keatas baru sesuai utk fly. suami pjj not an issue. plus nanti bila ank lahir suami automatik dpt cuti paternity. so conclusion. balik kg awl2 is the safest option. if anything happens, ur family is there while ur husband is travel back to u and his bby

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