How do you relieve your baby’s crying?

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Feed them
Rock them to sleep
Swaddling them
Give them a warm bath
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depending on the clock , if it's time to feed then I will carry baby and feed if baby just wants longer nap I will pat baby to sleep if it's already morning 8-9am and baby is crying it means she wants a bath

Mostly distract them by making fun sound, facial expression. If it doesnt work, check the diaper, if there is nothing, pick them up but still doesn't work then probably they are hungry

it depend on what pattern. sometime is hungry, brup , change diaper, sleeply.

Carry him first, then try to see what he needs, he may be sleepy or hungry.

feed my baby then sing a song to her after then she rock her to sleep

Distracting her by laughing and making her giggle 😁

talking to them in a different sound

VIP Member

swadling,feeding,rock them to sleep


feeding, rocking & swaddling

Feeding and sleeping time