Stretch mark Cream/Oil
Any recommendations?

Mama’s choice isn’t sticky or oily and feels light on the skin, I used it in first trimester. Subsequently changed to Bio Oil in 2nd trimester and I think it works well because not only I have no new stretch marks from the pregnancy, my old stretch marks on my hips seem to appear lighter over time.
Bio oil. I started applying Bio Oil since second trimester. No stretch mark at all. Doctors and midwives told me that my belly is pretty without stretch mark.
Clarins! tried and tested! im at week 23, still no signs of stretchmarks. i have been religiously using since i knew i was preggy!
Swear by Clarins’ Oil and Cream! 38wk, no stretch marks :)
bio oil for 2x a day. start as early as first trimester
Bio oil. Absorbs easily and smells great!
bio oil! started after first trimester.
Bio-oil or Clarins! Both smell good :)
Elemis! Or Mama’s choice
mama choice