hi! anyone from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia or near city, can recommend someone who conducts early intervention at home please? we looking for this option as it will be convenient rather than taking child to center. my child is almost 18months, not crawling and walking. no words. not even babbling. #pleasehelp
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hi! for those living in KL,Malaysia, can recommend paediatric opthalmologist who can really check a 14months old baby? we went to this doctor in Sunway, but didnt get any vision report. She’s not sure if my son is able to see clearly or not when that is the purpose why we went for checkup as my son got right ptosis. Basically we wasted time as she didnt even discuss about the ptosis until I asked her with so many questions about that. She did check my son’s eyes, even gave eye drops to dilute the pupils. But her statements starts with “he seems to be…”. which already made us doubt that doctor as she is unsure of her findings. if she cant check, she should at least tell us. and again no vision report! sorry im really pissed off as we wasted time and effort! We are expecting that the doctor can check how clear or how wide my son can see in different angles. im sure doctors do provide vision report and can check such things in early age. #advicepls
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hi moms! i have been expressing breastmilk for my baby. before giving to baby, i check the milk by smelling it. i just noticed that when milk is warmed, it smells spoiled? but before warming up, it doesnt smell anything. is this normal? i didnt see anything wrong with my baby though still curious if this is normal#firsttimemom #breastmilk
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