Is pre-school important?
1550 responses
I think it does have its benefits especially since a child gets to be with many others of the same age,they learn child social skills.But that said it does eat into our pockets as it doesn't come cheap in many places around the world...
But in today's situation i rather choose to stay her home and teach her on my own.
Not necessary. Any how they have to go school after that, let them enjoy staying at home
My kid started talking early , and was not shyto play others kids because of going early
Is a kick-start for their learning experience and prepare them for schooling
It helps the kid to grow independent and build social skills and awareness.
Yes of course. Its a start for the kids in learning how to socialise
It plays such an important role in early child development
Teaches them social skills and to be more independent
Yes! It allows them to socialise and make friends.