Berapa lama penantian Parents hingga akhirnya hamil?
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Hi Debby, I know that this massage might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to ignore it could come into your mind but please consider it a divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of humility I was pushed to contact you and to see how best we can assist each other I am Miss Tina Mustapha an assistant branch bank manager at international commercial bank of Ghana I believe it is the wish of God for me to come across you now I'm having an important business discussion I wish to share with you which I believe will interest you because,it is in connection with business which is going to benefit both of us that is the reason why i contacted you if you don't mind One of our major client here in our bank had a fixed deposit with my bank valued at US$5,500,000,00 (Five Million, five Hundred Thousand US Dollars) Sadly He was involved in ghastly accident He was in Indonesia on a business trip and that was how he met his end My bank management is yet to know about his death I knew about it because he was my friend and I am his personal account officer Dr Alexander  Annisa by name did not mention any Next of Kin or Heir when the account was opened and he was not married and no children I have made several inquiries to locate any of my clients extended relatives but was unsuccessful Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives of my client, I am contacting you to assist me in claiming the sum of US$5,500,000,00 (Five Million five Hundred Thousand US Dollars) which my late client deposited with INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK OF GHANA since you both have the same last name The Bank has issued me a notice to provide my late client's next of kin/relation or they will have the deposit funds confiscated if I fail to provide any It is standard practice that after the expiration of a specified period the said fund will be automatically confiscated and transfer to the Bank treasury as unclaimed bill if there is nobody to file in claim as the next of kin or relation to the deceased and the account will be closed There is no risk involved all the documents and the information are interact the transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you and I from any breach of law It is better that we claim this money than allowing the Bank Directors to take it they are rich already I am not a greedy person so I am suggesting we share the funds equal 50/50% to both parties I will come over for my own share Let me know your mind on this because I have more to write you about once i receive your urgent response through my personal E-mail contact [email protected] Thanks for your understanding Miss Tina Mustapha (I.C.B-GH)

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Nikahnya tgl 02 Desember 2017, stlah 1 bln sya sakit pas diperiksa kata dokter saya susah punya turunan krna cairan asam dalam rahim saya trlalu bnyak, tapi saya dan suami slalu sabar kita serahkan smua.y kepada yg maha kuasa, kita saling mndoakan dan usaha brsama berobat dengan pngobatan herbal dari kayu dan dedaunan. Alhamdulillah atas rahmat Tuhan yg Maha Esa di usia prnikahan 4 bln saya hamil dan itu mrupakan sbuah keajaiban bagi saya.

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Waktu nikah suami langsung berangkat berlayar jadi sempet kosong 9 bulan. Lalu selama suami berlayar saya konsumsi susu prenagen esensis rajin minum pagi malem dan perbanyak makan buah2 yg mengandung asam folat.. setelah suami pulang Puji Tuhan 2 bulan kemudian saya sudah hamil.. bagi bunda yang sedang promil tetap semangat yaa.. siapa tau pengalaman saya ini bisa membantu para calon ibu.. 🙏

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Alhamdulillah pas nikah menstruasi trus bulan depannya uda isi.. Tapi saat 8 bulan mengandung bayiku udah meninggal didalem perut mgkin blum rejeki.. Alhamdulilkah selang 3 bulan isi lagi dan sekrabg udah 18 minggu minta doanya biar kehamilanku yg ke 2 ini lancar dan sehat trus ibu dan calon bayinya.. Aamiin

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Anak pertama kosong 6 bulan, ga papalah itung-itung sebagai tamparan keras untuk mereka yang suka nyinyirin saya 🤭🤭🤭 anak kedua tanpa jeda. Begitu lepas kb langsung haid pertama setelah selesai haid ada beberapa drama dan akhirnya positif, hamil lagi alhamdulilahnya. 😇😇😇

Mau 5 tahun menikah baru hamil sesungguhnya, dulu memang hamil, bahkan sebulan setelah nikah langsung hamil. Cuma karena ada penyakit dalam tubuh, yang kerap kali makan janin tiap kali hamil, sudah 4 kali hamil dan itu gagal karena gugur disebabkan penyakit.

1th 2bln karna 1bulan stelah nikah, suami tiba² harus kerja luar pulau selama 1th. Alhamdulillah 2bulan stelah suami selesai kerja, dikasi kepercayaan sama Allah, sebelumnya ad rencana promil, tpi sebelum promil udah dtitipin Allah duluan 🤲 barakallah

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Jarak 1 bulan stlh nikah lgsg hamil krna pas nikah posisi lagi haid😀 Trs usia 7 w keguguran krna kecapekkan+stress kmdn nuggu 1 tahun lebih baru isi skrg udah jalan 8 bulan... Sehat selalu dde bayi... Sampai ketemu bulan April ya nakk

Alhamdulillah gk lama nikah udh 2 bln hamil udh 5 mingguan sekarang usia kandungan mau 4 bln masya masya ,perjalanan hamil mual enek gk bsa makan udah saya lewati sekarang mkn udh mulai normal walau masih pilah pilih makanan😍

5 bulan setelah menikah Alhamdulillah di kasih amanah, tp Allah SWT mengambil nya kembali. mungkin blm saat nya pada waktu itu, Allah SWT LBH sayang. 1 tahun setelah itu Allah SWT menitipkan kembali kepada kami. Alhamdulillah...