Which of the following nursery rhyme would you sing with your little one often?
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Twinkle twinkle little star
Ba ba black sheep
Humpty dumpty sat on a wall
Others (Comment down below)
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twinkle twinkle and ba ba black sheep. 👉 Please leave a ❤ for my #tapmario photo contest. Thank you very much. https://community.theasianparent.com/booth/1209055?d=android&ct=b&share=true
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cant go wrong with twinkle twinkle lol
Twinkle twinkle little star mostly
VIP Member
All the above and others 😋
twinkle twinkle little star
the wheels on the bus
VIP Member
the wheels on e bus
A whole new world
Humpty Dumpty :)
VIP Member
Hush little baby