If you can afford it, how many children do you ideally want to have?
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Just one is enough
Three to Four
The more the merrier!
Honestly... none.
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i want maybe 8-- i am a very organized person. i already have plans for my kids even though i am 11. i want to have sex when i am 13
two is great! especially because they can depend on each other when they're older
One because I want to be able to give my child the best he/she needs
3-4... I would like to have twins too! Hopefully
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I dont have the patience to be honest...lol
Have always wanted to have a big family
4!! And I'm currently pregnant with #4!
I feel 2 makes a family complete :)
I have two and that's enough for us
If money isn’t an option. 3-4.
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