Dont feel the bond with baby even after a month

Is it normal that even after a month, i dont feel the bond with my baby at all? And i dont feel that love towards my baby? Im not sure if its because of the post partum blues or the pain that im still feeling after csection. I also feel like i still cannot move on from the fact that i had to go thru emergency csection and im still not recovering even after a month. maybe one of the reason why i dont feel that kind of love towards my baby. Mainly cause i am in still in pain? Im scared i wont feel at all even after months. Is there something wrong with me ? And yes during the first month my husband handles the baby mostly, if not, my MIL. But now both has started working, im feeling very stressed with baby around.

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Hey mummy , u are not alone as I went thru similar thing . It’s mainly due to hormones. I started questioning myself why I had such feeling but once you overcome ur postpartum blue, u will love your baby very much . Skin to skin and more breastfeeding will help😉