Normal lang ho ba sa nag iipin (7months old) ang sinisipon, inuubo at nilalagnat?

nope. lagnat is not normal. I assume the temperature is 38C and above? yah? 37.5 to 37.9 is low grade fever and does not really need intervention. The Bottom Line. Teething really doesn't cause fevers in babies or toddlers. Although your little one could develop a small rise in body temperature (a low-grade fever) when teething, it's rare. A fever is typically a sign of something else, which could need medical attention
Magbasa paang ubo, sipon at lagnat ay hindi dahil sa teething. it is caused by viral infection, and it may happen whether teething or hindi teething si baby.
yes ganun talaga pag nag ngingipin nagkakasakit! same tayo now momshie 7mos baby ko nung 12.
Yes po, based on experience hehe